Fredner with a finnish supporter. Always partying, always fun as shall be when visiting this event. | |
Once again a wonderful pic of Fredner. Such a happiness and joy beacuse he has a beer is it only OUR Fredner that can show. Look at the happy expression in his face and also notice the beautiful paintwork. | |
Ruskiga Röjarna (The Terrible Partystarters), this great gang of three that
has been in the championship-game since 1995 is here partying together with us. From left to right we have Wiruz, Ode and Johnny. Here are we talking arut guys that really knows how to party. Right after this pic was taken did the swiss police show up, but we bought him a beer and then that matter was sorted out... |
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As we have said is some of the crew from Swedish TV3 blokes that we in Svea Svin uses to sozialise with more or less during these events. Here has Fredner once again found the well-known TV-profile Gert Fylking. |
TV3 and Gert came to us swedes before the first final-round against finland and wondered if we could make a marsch and parade down the street that was situated just outside the arena, and of course we accepted and lots of people showed up. Here one can see Gert in his normal otfit at this event wearing a pink jogging-dress and leather boots. Hope that You got good pics Gert! | |
Here we are before the game SWE-FIN (if it is the first or the second we don´t know) and it was really GOOD spirit there from both support-groups. As usual has Fredner taken position in the middle among all the finns (below the red arrow) and is banging the drum as if there was no tomorrow. WONDERFUL!!! | |
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Of course there is security people in connection to the arena but they differ a lot from the swedish ones in that they are very nice to talk to. Here has Fredner for some reason taken this pic from behind, but the rest of us wants to remember that she looked just as nice from the front... |
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Pernilla is partying outside the arena together with Gert Fylking and some of the dudes fron Bjork & Bostrom bus travel-agency. |
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Before the game SWE-FIN is Fredner wishing Estella Njoo, a swiss supporter-chick, all the luck in the world by giving her the regular kiss. On the bottom of the pic can one of the Lulea-guys also be seen. GO, GO, GO!!! |