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Well, not much to say about things. The world championships was over and Marit decided to go back to Helsinki again. Gabbe and Fredner followed her to the station. |
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Gabbe, Snibban and Maria is waiting to enter the aircraft that will take them to Stockholm. |
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At the airplane Gabbe met an old friend that he hadn´t seen since the Championships
in Switzerland. The trip back to Sweden wasn´t much to talk about. |
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Yet more waiting. This time at Arlanda airport. On the pic is from left: Dennis, The Turk, Gabbe and Johnny from Ruskiga Rojarna. |
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And it´s time to say goodby at Arlanda... |
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For those of us that lives in Stockholm we just had to take the train into city. And it´s yet another year until one will see everyone again. A little bid sad but it can also feel pretty good ;-) |
Svins rates the World Championships in Russia:
Motivation: The World Championships in Russia will probably be remembered as the "strangest" that we have ever attended.
The organisation from the russian organizers were nothing but a disaster! It was completely impossible to get hold of people at the arenas that spoke anything but russian. Completely impossible to get info! Therefore it rates 1.
A scandal that it didn´t exist any beertent right next to the newly built arena. Sure, there were other, smaller tents but we don´t fall for that trick! So that rates 2.
The organisation of the trip must also be heavily critisised. Sure, it was a person in Svea Svin that had organised our stay in Russia, but after all the mess with "hotel", lack of re-payment of money and everything else this is not rated higher than 3.
Our own behaviour is a real all time high though! NEVER before have we behaved, been drinking and messing around like during this championship. We have to say though that Bergman wasn´t the only one that slept like a child at Afrodite. It wasn´t just one night that we were laying over eachother sleeping in the sofas at the restaurant after having passed out of alcohol. We performed stripp-shows, went with strange taxis, messed around at "hotel" Samson and lots and lots of more. Therefore our own behaviour gets a 10. This gives the World Championships in russia an average rating of 4.
Here is a section that in some matters are
internal and might seem non-understandable to those of you that weren´t in
Russia with us and that might need some further explanation. But we will not give
out further comments about this. Text marked with *
are internal.
-The webmaster
The best restaurant:
Without doubt Afrodite, but that have you probably already understood.
This was the place where we could really do whatever we wanted. An incredibly positive
atmosphere and friendly attitude from the owner made this our place number 1 from
day one in Russia.
The worst behaviour:
Lillis, without competition. The way he behaved at "hotel" Samson
was enormous! Lillis managed to... how shall we put it... No, it´s just too
much but we can just say that this bloke has a standing invitation to join Svea Svin.*
The most annoying people:
Those russians that refused to understand that one didn´t understand
russian but could stand and babbling forever in russian and almost become angry when
one didn´t understand. JESUS!!!
The most byrocratic:
The bar at Afrodite. So, in comes about 30 hockeysupporters who wants
beer until they drop. Then they have a bartender that takes the order and pours up
the beer, then calls a girl who takes the money he gets. She puts the money in the
machine and writes the amount on a note, gives change back to the guy who then gives
the change back to the one who had placed the order. Belive us, it took time...
The best comment:
Fredner: "But the only thing that is possible for a girl to do in
this country if they don´t wanna do handywork must be to sell her body?*
The most pennywise norwegian:
Dritten in Ruskiga Rojarna, without a doubt! Imagine to sit and deal with
the agent for hours, being rude and yell at him. But after three hours of negotiations
have managed to reduce the price from 40 US-dollars/night to 37.90 US-dollars/night...
Say no more!
The most pennywise journalist:
Persson who didn´t wanna pay three rubles (about 0.15 US-dollars
or 0.1 Euros) for the toilet which gave him a one-way ticket to the police car and
later did Lilleman have to bribe him out for 20 US-dollars.
The coolest comment:
Bergman: "Perra, can you spare a few dollars!?"*
The most untrustworthy:
The police in St. Petersburg. Some people from the policeforce made it
a habit to rob us on all that we had. The first one that got into trouble was 65
Nilses that lost 100 US-dollars.
The most robbed supporter:
The Turk that during one and the same night managed to get robbed not
once but twice for over 7600 SEK by te police (about 860 US-dollars or 820 Euros)
The biggest dropout:
Patrik that after having fallen in love with a russian chick wasn´t
seen for the entire second week of the championship. Very antisocial to not even
show up at the games. I mean, why are we there? (except for the booze)
The worst understatement:
Tina that tried to convince us all that "I´m pretty shy and
so" Yeah right! We noticed that down at Afrodite. We just say: Two male strippers,
tina and a can of whipped cream!
The most lost:
Bergman and Gabbe that managed to get lost the first night in Petersburg.
The bus that was supposed to be at their disposal was gone the first nigth when the
two of them wre to go out and drink. Considering that neither of them had ever been
to Petersburg before they didn´t find their way home after a very hard night
at the town. They spent over five hours trying to get back.
The most patient:
Ellu that managed to live with us swedes for 16 (sixteen) days. Maybe
it wasn´t to much fun all the time to be the sole finn in a group that only
consisted of swedes. Really admirable!
The worst wimp:
Svea Svins Johnny.*
The most disgusting food:
Time Out that was a sportsbar where we watched FIN-CZE and the Eurovision
song contest. It had swedish owners and therefore we hoped that the food was to be
good, but not! We think that the food was really terrible!
The least present hockeysupporters:
Where were all the people from Ruskiga Rojarna??? Sure, the three of them
that appeared were as always great to see again, bu the rest? I mean, they are so
many members...
The biggest scandal:
Johnny that almost "gave" away his Svea Svin-jersey to some
person. Completely UNBELIVABLE!!! And of course the jersey was never to be seen again...
The worst tennant:
Johnny from Ruskiga Röjarna. It was just so embarrassing when one
is being so intoxicated when arriving to the agent that is about to let out an apartment
so that one almost passes out during the heavy negotiations. I mean, even the owner
of the apartment had to drag him by his legs into the living room beacuse he was
in the way where he slept in the hallway. That is partying when best!
The most unexpected:
Ake-Clown from Ruskiga Rojarna that suddenly appeared from nowhere just
outside the arena. He had gottem to Russia all by himself just to cheer on his finland
during the game FIN-CAN. Now that´s a supporter!
Hits that we connect to this Championship. |
Metelitza: Valeriyja |
Davai Avaria: Diskoteka avaria |
Burning down the house: Tom Jones (Hotell Samson) |
Sex bomb: Tom Jones. That was the one that we were stripping to. |