Time to start drinking before the game Slovakia vs. finland. Gabbe,
Jörgen and Göran. Göran is a real veteran when attending
the World Champs in hockey. Meaning that he has taken part since
before the games in 1995 in Stockholm.
Outside Beer Arena together with Briza, that came by from Praha
to party for a while in Ostrava.
Peter The Drunk, Ellu and Gabbe makes sure to get a beer just
before the game starts.
Few people can scream so much and so loud than drunken Slovaks.
An amazing spirit ot these people inside Beer Arena. Gabbe together
with the Slovaks. Party, drinking and an unbelievable go before
the game!
Pauli, Ellu, Jami and Jorma are hoping for a finnish victory!
Since being a Swede, one rather swings the American flag at the
Revolutionary square in Teheran than supports finland. And therefore
we saw the game from inside Beer Arena together with a huge gang
of Slovaks and finns(!?) Obviously many supporters from our neighbouring
country in the East didn't think that it was worth seeing their
own nation live! By the way, it was far from sold out on tickets.
More Swedes inside Beer Arena that has come to support the Slovaks
to victory.
Gabbe proves his outmost loyalty to the Slovak National Hockey
Team inside Beer arena. He also explained to a Czech TV-journalist
during the game that:
-Which team do you support here tonight?
- Slovakia, of course.
- Why Slovakia, why not finland.
- I don't care what team that plays. I will support it as long as
they play against finland.
Of course, the Slovaks humiliated the finns by defeating them with
a 5-2 result so once again it was time to out to town and party.
Gathering after the game. The Slovaks are happy to have degraded
finland and that they made sure that they didn't win this time.
Gabbe and Peter The Drunk is celebrating together with the Slovaks.
They had rented their own party tent a small distance from the
arena. Peter and Gabbe were invited for free beer and booze as
a thanks for their loyalty to Slovakia in the game against finland.
Rajje, rajj, raj, raj!! VIC-TO-RY!!!
Gabbe and Peter the drunk
in nice shape together with supporters of the World Champions in
Gothenburg in 2002.
After many long, happy hours together with our newly found, Slovakian
friends it was time to get back home. This laminated note was handed
to us from one of the people in the reception at the hostel where
we lived. Obviously it must have said "drunk" on our
foreheads since she fixed these notes to us as soon as we had arrived.
then it was just to hand the note to the taxidriver and babble
something like "Tejjk mi her mister taksidrajver" and
everything worked out just fine.