Yet another morning... Yet another time it feels like there is
a lambada-contest in the stomach. Despite this, it's as we have
said the World Champs in Hockey and there is no time to loose to
get drunk.
Bring out the bottles, friends! Time to get started. Peter The
Drunk, Jörgen and Gabbe makes sure to get into the right party
mood at the local pub where we these days were greeted with...
Well, not exactly cheering, but politeness.
Before the game SWE-USA. Matte and Tommy is slowly getting into
a nice mood with the help of some beer at the Beer Arena.
The party area at Beer Arena. Drums were banging, there was cheering
and screams were heard, demanding victory. Everything was done
together with an enormous consumption of Beer and Alcohol.
A happy reunion. The drunk people from Goa Gubbar (The nice dudes)
had found their way down to Ostrava. Pärlan and Bankman are
happy to be back in the game. The last time we saw each other was
during the World Champs in finland, and from there we really had
no nice memories.
Gabbe, Pärlan and Bankman is together trying to forget all
memories from finland 2003.
Jenny from Norrköping is giving it all in one of the many
beer tents that were placed in direct connection to Beer Arena.
The motion on top and the weather had improved drastically!
Time for game. It's time to show who kicks ass
on the ice. On the right, farthest down on the spectator section
one can see The nice dudes that had gotten some really great seats! |
Blurry pics thanks to the photographer’s inability to stay
sober. Absolutely correct we think. But unfortunately the quality
becomes thereafter.
Despite the poor quality on the pics we had such an E-NOR-MOUS-LY
great motion from where we stood!! Absolutely insane!
Vondrus and Marko are cheering during the game.
Gabbe with blurry eyes, sweaty and bad smelling together with
The nice dudes.
Shake those moneymakers baby!! |
Jörgen is taking of his hat to the Swedish efforts on the
ice. Note also here the VERY foggy look that can only be accomplished
after days (and nights) of continuous drinking. Göran, in
the background, also looks very pleased.
ON THE ROAD TO VIIIIIIICTORYYYYYY!! Ha, in your face, Yanks! 2-1
later became a nice victory with 3-1
Matte and Ljunggren are happy with the result.
Vondrus are celebrating the Swedish victory in one of the "pubs" that
was located at the bottom floor of the arena.
Gabbe together with one Bulgarian and one Hungarian supporter
and the ever as drunk 62 Ljunggren. Apparently they had tried to
come to our section during the game, but had been stopped by the
guards... Insane!
Gabbe, Lövis and Tommy are happy. The only thing being better
than defeating Americans in when finns are defeated. So we were
in great shape for more partying in the Czech night.
Patrik in fine shape in the darkness inside Beer
Arena. He was also feeling great after the American defeat. |
-No, I don't wanna know what you have in your hat! Not a chance.
I really couldn't care less.
-But don't you get what I'm saying? Get that fuckin' hat away
from me!
Patrik seems to have communication problems with Matte.
Party at Sidoni Street in the night. Ellu, some
unknown drunks, Gabbe, Satu and Jorma. |
The World Championships in Ostrava were almost
over now for us. We saw yet another game in Ostrava and it was
the one between Sweden and finland. finland was in the lead durig
the whole game until the very last minute when Sweden scored
and therefore took away the (undeserved) finnish victory. We
have some really funny pics of sad and low finns, but thanks
to our never ending humbleness we choose not to publish them.
But Pernilla and our newest member, Maria, came
down to Praha to see the finals on location. They really made
sure that the flag of Party and the glory of Svea Svin were to
live on during the rest of the IIHF World Championship in 2004.