On the morning before SWE-CZE we got some “fine” company in the form of two Finns from Jävyskyllä.
Frogboy had never heard about the “curse of the Czech PET-bottle” and was sucking on it during the night like a Finnish alcoholic to a vodka bottle. The morning after he had a hangover bonanza from hell and here he is standing and gasps, complains and cries over his situation, and we were cheering and screaming “are you sick, fat boy?” “Make sure that the container don’t flip over!” and “Bloody ROOKIE!!!” Lots of fun.
After that Frogboy had been watering the grass with his inner fluids it was time to get serious and head in the direction of the arena.
Gabbe and Plattan are waiting for the bus.
Inside the arena we are meeting Tinas friend Veronica. She is drunk and happy as always.
The small but very noisy Swedish supporter group inside the arena.
Go, Go!!!
The Swedish national anthem is played.
VICTORY!!! Sweden has once again kicked out Czech republic from the World championships. It feels great to move on in the tournament even though it always feels sad to defeat them since they are always so nice and kind people.
After party at Bates Motel. When you invite girls from finland you are guaranteed to get party to like never before!