What the hell! Are you drinking while I am standing here doing the dishes! What is happening? It was time to force ourselves into the apartment of the girls from Jyhyskkylyvää and get starting on some serious drinking.

The finns were making food and we were drinking their wine. This is Hockeylife as it is supposed to be.


Talking about previous World Championships.

In bed with finns, good or bad? You decide.


Gabbe and Frogboy during a smoking break from the finns.

This picture says so much more to us that were there. We know why the Canadian kids were more interested in watching what we did than their teacher telling about “Old Town of Quebec”. This will be one of the legends that we will tell during later World Championships.


Before SWE-CZE Nilses is being painted at Bates Motel.

Time to dress up. USA was to meet finland the same day so Gabbe decided to have the US jersey under his Swedish one.


On the way to the arena before the game.

Nilses is drumming by the toilets at the arena. The toilets became the natural gathering point for all trunk people that wanted so socialize without being in the sweaty beer hall.


Victory for Sweden and we get prepared for Bronze final against finland.

The Swedish national anthem is played. Always mighty to hear for us.

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