On the way to Vienna we thought that we could take a turn via Germany
for a beer. Bavaria was just nearby so why not. We also had more then
24 hours until Sweden was to play its Semi final against the Czechs.
Of course Patrik managed to get acquainted with the locals my
driving our car into his. Well done Patrik!
About 300 Euros poorer it was finally time for that cold beer
in the sun before the long journey back into Austria.
Nine years since last time. NINE YEARS!!! Time really flies while
drunk, but finally we are in the capitol of Austria. Either Patrik
is turning to Mecca, or he is checking the map to see where we
are going.
After some quick calls we found out that Ellu was in town together
wish some blokes from earlier Championships. Apparently they had,
despite that finland was kicked out from the tournament, decided
to go to Vienna and see when the supporters from the other teams
were partying.
We soon found a trashy bar where the musician was amongst the most
miserable and bad that we have ever heard during all these years
at the Championships.
The day after it was time to get hammered before the Semi final.
Our car was strategically placed right next to the arena.
Newly stylized and drunk it is time to go to the arena and the
beer tents.
Bang, bang, bang! WIR SIND WIEDER DA!!! Svea Svin is back in Vienna
after almost a decade.
We had many nice reunions in the tents. Here are “The referee” Andersson
that had gotten himself a nice puck-hat from Ceska Pojistovna Cup
One of the “familiars” from Ostrava last year recognized
Gabbe and Patrik. We can tell that that feeling wasn’t mutual…
Bergqvist, Mattes buddy is warming up before the true partying
in the tents.
We like it, we love it, we want more of it!!! A wonderful shirt,
proudly worn by a Czech supporter. The Swedish success during the
World Championships in finland 2003 is something that no Swede
will ever forget. Finland was taking the lead with 5-1 and ended
up loosing with 5-6, on home ground, and was thereby kicked out
from the Championships, by Sweden, again!
Swedish fans is taking it away when singing the Swedish national
anthem. LET’S F*****G GET THE CZECHS!!!
Briza, Tina and yet another girl are wishing each other good luck
before the game.
Briza is already convinced before the game that Czechia will get
the victory and raises the victory trophy in front of “The
referee”, Nilses and Lövis.
A Kodak moment outside one of the beer tents.
Also Willie from Switzerland joined in the party together with
the rest of all supporters inside the tent.
This drunk finn has just been informed that his team was kicked
out of the Championships already in Innsbruck and that he could
heve been at home long time ago.
Some people just don’t have any idea about anything.
Aronsson & Co. is relaxing in the summer sun. Yet another
crew that made sure that the drunk supporters gotten even more
The “facilities” were state of the art and some of
the best ones that we have seen since the Championships in 2000
in St. Petersburg. It’s just one Championship that we have
not seen toilets located outside the arena and that was of course
in finland in 2003. No comment…
Helloooo there girl! What is going on here? Try to pick up cheerleaders
by the toilets. Well, why not?
A gang of Canadians that have joined the party and cheers like
mads since their team have (for the third year I a row) gotten
to the final.
Inside one of the more calm tents.
Two Swedish supporters ready for party!
Also the gang from Gothenburg were drinking like it was their
last day alive. First check to the right and then to the left.
And DOWN IT GOES! The crew from Frolunda were just as happy drunks
as earlier years.
The limbo train is danced through
the tent to the sound of DJ Özti and “Hey baby”.
So great motion it was insane!!!

You got to drum so that it is heard! Nilses drummed so that, not
the drumsticks, but the drum itself was broken.
The latest member to Svea Svin, Maria appeared together with the
World Championships crew from Karlskoga. Great to see each other
again after a one year break. Gabbe tries to mumble what has happened
so far in the tournament, it’s doubtful however if Maria
ever understood what he was talking about.
“The referee” Andersson is getting in the mood before
the semi.
More people arrives that one knows. The Ruskiga Röjarna members,
Ryökäle, Pohjan akka and Åke clown appeared during
the finals in Vienna.
Time to get tickets. Just like normal hadn’t we fixed tickets
before the Championships but hoped that this “problem” would
fix itself during the tournament. We just went with the flow over
to the ticket shops.
…it was to be a long wait and lots of nagging in the shop
since there were more people that had thought the same thing as
we had. Even if not all on this pic was without tickets it might
give an idea about the enormous pressure that was just outside
the ticket offices.
Gabbe is not just hammered, but also pissed off after having to
crowd with people for 1 ½ hours.
As said, after 1 ½ hours we decided to skip this shit and
just grabbed some bloke that was selling outside the arena instead,
gave him €100 (our most expensive tickets ever!!!) and then
it was done!
Time to get into the arena where Sweden took their
fourth Gold in 1987 and where the finnish Ice hockey team, the
kittens (or what they are called), never has even managed to take
a medal!