Latvian Skoda girls met us, holing the flags of the Olympic Champions
when we got to Skonto arena.
Great party mood, great weather, beer in the hands, spinning in
the head. Gabbe, Patrik and Johnny is having a great time!
-Here you are, it seems like you need it so that you can get into
the game and drum like civilized people, so to say.
Jörgen is assisting a half sleeping Fredner with a warm beer
in a plastic mug.
really good mood amongst the supporters outside Skonto before SWE-RUS.
All of you that love Sweden clap your hands!! Fredner is taking
people into the right spirit, just like he has done during so many
Championships before.
At the same time they are loading up in the finnish camp before
tonight’s game.
When a bunch of hammered finns are gathered and in an exciting tone
chatter in each others mouth about the gold medal in 1995 (or the
Winter war 1939—1940) it is the same thing as the Hip-Hopers “Battling”.
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The Swedish away shirt from 1989, NIIICE!
-Wanna sell it?
-100 Euros?
Not a chance.
-Forget it!
Ok, obviously you knew the value too of what you were wearing.
Fredner is getting the crowd going outside
Skonto arena.

Some Russian supporters that have come to see the game.
Jorma, one of the supporters of the-team-that-never-wins, came by
to get some beers and to cheer Sweden to victory. (Yes, for real!)
The girls were doing their best to provide us with beers. Unfortunately
it was like watching a film in slow motion. An experience that was
to repeat during the entire Championships.
More people have joined to party, cheer, scream and shout about
the Swedish supremacy.
These two supporters to The Olympic Champions had been to more World
Championships in Ice Hockey than the entire Svea Svin together! Respect.
Time to get inside the arena after having filled the body with beers.
Bengt-Åke Gustafsson, the man, the myth, the Gold medalist
from the World Championships in Vienna in 1987 (as player), the man
that was kicking finnish ass in Turin during the Olympics. He is
the man that will save us from the Russians in a little while.
Jörgen and Lövis have taken place inside Skonto.
Is Patrik trying to pick up girls during the game?
Inside Skonto Fredner is doing what he is doing best (except for
Our alcohol impregnated friend during a break in the drumming. He
is well worth it since he did his outmost to keep the mood within
the Swedish supporter group during the game against the Russians.
The Olympic Gold medalists won with… something against the
Russians. Here a photo-opt outside Skonto together with some Russian
supporters and also dad and son Tijanic from Croatia (on the left).
Once back at the Yellow tents we meet Ellu, Annika and Ela that
is still hoping for finnish Gold in Riga in 2006.
Jorma and Jörgen in the crowd in the night right after 01:15.
Drunk and happy as shall be during the World Championships.
And Fredner did once again decide to study the table up close while
daddy Tijanic (wearing the Soviet hockey jersey) was excitingly telling
how great it was to live under Tito.