Sweden was to have two days off where there was nothing else
to do but to rumble around and drink Alcohol. We decided to get
out to Riga arena to see what it looked like there and to try
and get tickets for the quarterfinal.
Outside Riga arena we met the General Manager for the Swedish national
hockey team – The Olympic Champions – Bengt-Åke
Gustafsson. A really super nice person to talk to that we spent some
minutes on (or if he spent them on us, we don’t know).
He was just as confused regarding the game schedule like everybody
else. At this time, he hadn’t even been told when the Olympic
Champions were to play their next game.
The organizers had really done their best so that the confusion and the lack
of information were total. We hadn’t seen so much mess since the World
Championships in Gothenburg in 2002.
Riga arena photographed from the south. On the picture one can also
see a part of the party area.
Since we are at the arena we can just as well visit a game that
no one cares about. We chose SUI-BLR for 5 Lat.
That’s ok.
It’s not exactly final motion inside the arena during the
A number of Latvian supporters were the only ones that was at least
trying to get the motion into the arena.
Some Belorussian and Slovak supporters outside Riga arena.
We simply decided to get back into town and just
beer on. We had organized a meeting with Briza & Co. that we were to join at
Sveik, that the Czechs had made “their” place.
Parts of the Czech support group inside Sveik.
For the beer, the Alcohol, for The Olympic Champions. CHEEERS!!!
With a bottle of Czech Gin in the hand, one is always happy. Nilses
Lövis and Jörgen is singing along in one of the many songs
that were “sung” down at Sveik long into the night.
What did you say, girl? That Czechia
is to become World Champions? Great! You have humor! |
 WHAT we are looking at? WHO are we looking at, rather?
And what are you looking at?
"We are the champions my friend. And we'll keep on fighting
'til the end!!!"
No team have never accomplished that, to take both the Olympic and
World Championships Gold the same year. Not even the Soviet union
did that, Johnny!
Says Briza…
Yet another photo opportunity. Now with two of the members from
Ruskiga Röjarna, Johnny and Ode.
This took place during the time when Johnny still hadn’t lost
his hockey jersey that he has had since the Championships in
Like what hockey or? Drunken people here like surround me. Or are
you like a celebrity or, because I just… Naah, I don’t
know. Party anyone?
It just isn’t enough to film with just one camera anymore.
It was such an incredibly good party night inside Sveik together
with the Czechs that even Patrik got carried away in the mood.
The one that kisses the longest time will see their team win the
final game.
Briza and Nilses are dancing the night away while the Swedish hockey
song from Ostrava in 2004 “I Gult & Blått” (in
Yellow & Blue) is played on the stereo.
Is this the worlds most beautiful
We consider it to be just that. The only thing that is missing is a
crying finn on the back of it, but that can not be impossible to fix.
There are so many times that the finns have lost to Sweden on the finish
line when it comes to hockey.
Note: The t-Shirt says
“The accomplishment”
Finland Tre Kronor
May 7 2003
During the quarterfinal at the World Championships in helsinki in
2003, finland was taking a big lead against Sweden with 5-1 and ended
up LOOSING THE GAME with 5-6 and was therefore kicked out of their
own tournament, by Sweden, in their own capital!
This is one of the
biggest (if not THE biggest) accomplishments performed by the Swedish
hockey team through all times. |