Finally day for game again! The finnish team – "The kittens" were to play semi final against Czechia and The Olympic Champions – Tre Kronor, are to meet Canada. A day made for drinking in other words.


Wake up call and time to begin drinking beer and Liquor, depending on what you like.

Pre party with face painting. Pernilla hadn’t lost her touch on how to do this. We are talking about a girl that can, while drunk, paint a Swedish flag under 2 minutes!

Jörgen and Pernilla during the same pre party by the Yellow tents.

Liquid for use if you are having problems with finns.
Strandbergs dad had the cure with him

Note: In Swedish the word for “pimple” or “tick” is EXACTLY the same as for “finns” (finnar). Lots of fun and an incredible coincidence.

Strandbergs son is getting really hammered. The Czech flag had been bought by Jörgen some hours earlier to show everybody where our sympathies were during the game fin-CZE.

All right. What is this? We were speechless when “Mr. referee” Andersson suddenly appeared in Riga in a nice costume (!?) We hardly recognized him. And on top of it all he was sober!!! Shame on you, Andersson.

Most supporters were, according to information, by the arena. But we decided to have some more glasses of booze to get started. Besides, we didn’t want to pay extra money for warm beer, which was what you got by the arena.

More people have joined our table and decided to get drunk. It was actually getting really good motion by the Yellow tents before we decided to go to Riga arena.

WONDERFUL!!! finland decided to play human domino during the Semi and is (again) kicked out from the Championships!!!
We, well we just hope that The Olympic Champions will show the Canadians who rules. Johnny gets to represent what we all felt this afternoon when we got to Riga arena.

Pernilla is talking to some guys from the Swedish J-20 team.


Nilses is giving it all to increase the temperature before the semi against Canada.

Lövis is happy with a beer in a firm grip.


All members of Svea Svin gathered at the same place at the same time. Unfortunately without Maria. But next year in Russia we will do our best to be 100% members on location.

Being supporter of The-team-that-never-wins must really be an ordeal. But unfortunately it cannot be funnier than this since they are so stubborn and have a finnish General manager at the same time that they, quite naïve, believe that they will get the Gold.
It’s as intelligent as attending a course in anger management with Matti Nykänen as a teacher…


And then we start drumming again. Nilses makes sure that the Swedish supporters don’t fall asleep over their warm beer.

Our song for the finns this day was great:
“We can do something that you can’t
We can take the Gold
And you can not! Ha, ha, ha, ha!”
Nilses, Gabbe, Johnny and Strandbergs son was teasing the supporters of The-team-that-never-wins all the time they were staying outside the arena.


It’s beginning to become a tradition to rub the mud of humiliation into the face of the kittens. This year we decided to write the final result in the CZE-game on Jörgens flag so that the finns didn’t, for some reason, forgot who had sent them to Hel…sinki

It is not often one sees such true joy in a face, and we are simply wondering:
- Can someone look happier than Jörgen?


Then it was time for the supporter of The-team-that-never-wins and send an sms home and maybe write “I’ll be back home some days earlier than expected. We got kicked out. This year again. No, the Swedes are still in the tournament”.
This year’s quiz here on Svea Svin goes like this:
How many bitter and disappointed finns do you see on the picture above?
The correct answer wins a warm beer in Moscow next year.


 And then we go again!
”We can do something that you…”
Warnerud and Nilses shows no signs of retreating from the partying yet.

Pernilla is loading with Chips and beer before the game.


This tired and drunk look do we recognize from earlier Championships. Jörgen actually got really hammered before the semi final against Canada.

Before the game Larsas feeling of happiness suddenly increased with like… 1000%.
- Where do you find all the good looking chicks man?


Well, you know by now.
“We can do something that…”
Nilses is holding the rhythm.

Cheering and having fun during the semi. Every time that we started to mess around it came some obnoxious person that thought that we should quit and sit down. This person must really have thought that we were some arrogant bastards since we never gave a shit about what they said.


Mattias Johansson and goalkeeper Daniel "Hento" Henriksson, both from Färjestads BK in Sweden is being captured on picture before the game.

Johnny has joined Daniel “Hento” Henriksson, Mattias Johansson and Björn Melin from HV-71 that gladly helps us waive our Svea Svin-flag.


The last minute of the semi final. Incredibly exciting!

Oh well, then the Olympic Champions are in a hockey final again. Is getting a nice habit this, to see Sweden in the finals.


Happy and happier. Patrik and Jörgen during the national anthem.

WE HAVE GOLD, WE HAVE GOLD, WE HAVE GOLD!!! We were already now taking the Gold for granted.

  homosexual men in finland

After the game is Gabbe seen together with Ecke and Kaja from Ruskiga Röjarna at the Yellow tents in the Old town.

Another event took place during the World Championships in Riga, The Eurovision song contest, that no serious person can be interested in. But for some people this “super cute song contest” down in Greece was more meaningful than anything else…
The true fans went to Riga to cheer their team to Gold, and “the others” thought that it was “fashionable” and “glamorous” to see grown men dress out as monsters (???)


Time to once again walk into Go-Go La Vita to fill up the deposits with Beer and Gin.


Jörgen and Lövis are happy with tonight’s result.

Fredner and daddy Tijanic are up at the very small dance floor inside Go-Go La Vita. Good motion and almost every night it was crowded at this great De-Luxe establishment.


The Royal Swedish navy had a joint exercise together with their Latvian counterpart. Here are Nilses together with one of the Swedish guys that should have been onboard his boat. Since he probably had taken leave without permission we have decided to censor his face. But we can tell you that the Swedish navy representatives this night at Go-Go La Vita were really great people. They were also drunk. Very drunk!

If one wanted to take a break from the crowd downstairs it was possible to get up one floor to drink alone without constantly getting elbows in the side and fingers in the eyes while drinking the newly bought Gin & Tonic.


The night after the semi final the unofficial supporter group “Masculine (Hockey) Initiative is holding their first meeting inside Go-Go La Vita.
Shake it, shake that ass!

After a tuff board meeting and lots of drinking Gabbe is relaxing before it is time to rumble home to the hotel.