One week after the World Championships had started, the rest of travel
group “Svea Svin” was to join the other supporters on location.
Gabbe and Munken was travelling with the passenger ship M/S Isabella
to Stockholm. Once in Stockholm Nilses, Patrik and Lövis were
to meet them at Arlanda airport
Munken on the way with Viking Isabella to Stockholm is chatting
with one of the employees that was getting a glass after work.
Gabbe and Munken met a group of finns that they started to drink
with. One of the finnish “ladies” were very aggressive
against them and thought that it was wrong that Munken was supporting
finland since he “only” came from the Aland Islands
and therefore don’t speak finnish… She didn’t
like Gabbe at all since he was Swedish.
Munken is resting calmly after a hard night
of many, many hours of heavy drinking.
On location at Arlanda the other guys meet. For some reason Patrik
has travelled home from Austria, been home for two days, and was
now to travel back down there again… If someone can explain
this strange behaviour, please contact us in Svea Svin then.
Is everything here or? Passport, money, buddies. GREAT! Now it’s
time for the first beer of the day together inside the terminal.
Patrik and Munken is looking forward to the trip down to Munich
for later transport with house car to Innsbruck. Patrik was, as
always, getting a bun instead of a beer. Everything was as normal.
Enough drinking for a while. Time to check in. Gabbe was geeting
strong recommendations NOT to check in his passport, like he did
last year, since it was only going to complicate things.
On the plane. Time to order beer and get back into the drunk state
that was slowly going away.
When time to land, we were asking the crew what they were thinking
about our behaviour. Maybe the ironic blow kiss is answer enough.
It’s not enough that one is drunk; one has to drag his stuff
as well. In other words, time to get a taxi and get to the car
rental service.
After a LOT of mess we are in central Munich and are loading up
a stock of beer to have in the house car. Still with the memories
from the World Championships in Germany in 2001 and the terrible
beer that we bought then, Karlskrone, we saw to it that we were
buying quality beer this time.
Once in Munich Munken is getting himself refreshed while Patrik
is inside talking to the poor guy that is to rent the car to us.
thing was that it had only been driven 34 kilometres. It was to
be “house-warmed” in a very harsh way for the days
to come…
Inside the house car the party is slowly getting started while
travelling down to Innsbruck.
Nilses and Lövis with a case of party and joy.
Drunk and happy on location in Innsbruck.
Miserable and bad smelling during the first night in Innsbruck.
We were completely worn out after little sleep and a VERY long
journey from Sweden. Munken took off to see hockey together with
Ellu while the rest of us stayed at the car for a slower party
this first night.