After three days without shower or shave it was time to go to a swimming
hall. Patrik had obviously checked out one during his first stay in
Innsbruck. Time to start walking in other words
Gabbe is checking out Lövis pictures from the night before.
Imagine how good it is that there are cameras that can “remember” ones
disgusting behaviour as a Swedish hockey supporter.
BUT FOR GODS SAKE GABBE COME ON NOW!!! Taking photos and stuff
when we smell like shit and are on the way. Let’s go now.
But a visit to Mona Lisa can never be wrong. Let’s get more
beer in the body before showering, and everything will work outs
just fine.
Patrik was the one of us that passed out first. We guess that
his nightly activities, which led to him throwing up during the
night, has worn him out.
Nilses seems to think “Well, well, there must be at least
ONE person during these trips that one has to be embarrassed about”.
…and then walk on through Innsbruck. “Aren’t
we there yet?!” was a question that Patrik had to answer
sever times during this thousand mile walk.
One more beer and then WE GO DIRECTLY TO THE SWIMMING HALL!!!
A new attempt to go to the swimming hall. Now really loaded as
we left the last place.
Then we just gave up. In to one bar after the other. As
we got more and mote hammered we got less and less interested in
showering. “Are we here to smell good or get drunk?” was
something that was asked from time to another.
We have almost no memories at all from the swimming hall, but
we do remember that the staff there had a very sceptic attitude
once there. Five drunken hockey supporters that wanted to take
a bath. But we got in and out of there in a rush.
It was starting to become night in Innsbruck and time to go to
the place that became our party-hub during our stay in this town,
Here is Lövis surrounded by big beers in funny glasses on
the way to Mausefalle.
Bring out the alcohol- and Red Bull-bottles. Now it’s time
to get loaded!!!
Munken is dragging Barklund around inside Mausefalle. We like
the bottle that Barklund is raising to the sky.
Nilses is in good party mood and with a number of empty glasses
one can be certain that the walk will be unsteady.
We really showed the locals that it is the Swedes that is keeping
the party going most of all hockey supporters..
If you don’t drink alcohol directly from the bottle, then
you are no true supporter. Barklund shows how it is done.
Really interesting to see Munken dancing slow dance to disco…
Nilses is up on the dance floor as well. It was truly incredible
to see him! He should be up for like an hour at a time (no we are
not exaggerating), only to break for booze. The guy is in as good
physical condition as a racehorse! Here he is with some local lass.
At 06:31 in the morning it is time for us to head back to the
car. We had been kicking it all through the night and tomorrow
we get on the party train again!
Back at the car we met this chick and her boyfriend. They were
just as hammered as we were. Of course we invited them for a beer.
When it was drunk they simply got into their car and drove off.
And we just stood there, amazed.