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About our webpage

The material on the Svea Svin webpage belongs to Svea Svin except in those cases where others have helped us with pictures or similar. The material regarding pictures that has been sent to Svea Svin are considered accepted for publishing on the site by the sender. Exceptions from this is of course accepted if the sender wishes so.

Since the site and the descriptions from different events are made during stress or under the influence of alcohol, sometimes it can happen that some people feels disinterpretated or harassed. Are You one of these people, please email us and we will either adjust the mistake or remove the problem in question.

The purpose of this website is to give others an idea about what we and others are doing at the World Championships in Ice Hockey, not to humiliate other pepole.
The members of Svea Svin has to accept though to be more harassed than others.

Where nothing else is stated, all material on this webpage belongs to Svea Svin. That includes pictures, scripts and illustrations.
If you wish to use any of our material on your own website, please email us. We gladly like to help out.

Comments or questions about the webpage is mailed to Gabbe.