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The Svea Svin linkpage
Here can you find some links to most stuff that has to do with Hockey on the web.

  • Are you a member of a Hockey fanclub?
  • Have you been at the World Championships and then published the pics on the web?
  • Do you have suggestions to links that can be of interest to others that visit us?

Send us an e-mail and we will place the link on top of these links until someone else send us an interesting link.

Other hockeyfans
Briza fanclub Great website that is run by one of Svea Svins really good friends. Here you will find lots of pics, videoclips and mp3:s from the World Championships in Ice Hockey from 1983(!) and forward.
Hockeyfans Swiss hockeyfans.
The Mats Sundin page Canadian site about Mats Sundin and also some other great players in the NHL. Tons of pictures on this one!

Other hockeylinks
European Hockey Huge site about everything that concerns European and world hockey.
IIHF The official site from the International Hockey federation
IHWC All information about the World Champsionships from 2000 to present date.

Links to different manufacturers of beverages. Something that a true World championships cannot be without.
Absolut Vodka Swedish happiness in a bottle.
Is guaranteed to get you really, really drunk!
Falcon Official sponsor of the World Champs. Swedish beer that calls themselves "Unofficial beer of the swedish icehockey supporters.
Pilsner Urquell The greatest Czech beer ever made! In czech only.

Companies that we like.
Mc Donalds Unofficial main supplyer of food to Svea Svin during the World Championships in Ice Hockey.
NIKE Makes the best looking Hockey Jerseys. (But a darn crappy website)
Skoda Official car of the World Champs. Have provided drewling supporters with the very best looking girls that work at the Championships since like... forever.

Companies and organisations that we don't like.
IOGT-NTO Being sober! Why?